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Residential Services

Adult and Youth

AIMED Residential Program establishes collaboration between the individual, family and our team. As a team we create a loving home environment that addresses the unique desires and needs of each individual and family that we support.  This means that people with disabilities can live in their own homes and lead a meaningful life within their own communities.  Each home is designed to fit the individual’s personality and uniqueness.  Each person that we support is instrumental throughout the process in determining where and how they live.


Our success is driven by those we support because we respect how they choose to live.  AIMED is a person centered organization, meaning the individual drives the treatment and we support their decision 100%.  We are committed to providing a healthy living environment and a routine the meets the needs of the individual.  


We understand the challenges many have gone through.  We take pride in making their experience with AIMED one that will brighten their future.

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